Superoxide dismutase activity in the blood of children with iron deficiency anemia

Panchenko L.F., Lamchingijn T.T., Gerasimov A.M., Sukhanov I.S., Konoplina L.A.
PubMed Id: 442589
Year: 1979  Volume: 25  Issue: 2  Pages: 181-185
Activity of superoxide dismutase was studied in blood of children with various types of iron deficiency anemia. The enzymatic activity was increased in all the types of iron deficiency anemia studied (typical form, infectious anemia of premature children). This increase was especially distinct, when calculation was made per 1 mg of hemoglobin or 1 billion of erythrocytes. Alterations in superoxide dismutase activity and in content of blood hemoglobin were reciprocal in the anemias studied. Correlation was observed between the alteration in the enzymatic activity and a decrease in content of hemoglobin in prematurely born children with anemia
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Panchenko, L. F., Lamchingijn, T. T., Gerasimov, A. M., Sukhanov, I. S., Konoplina, L. A. (1979). Superoxide dismutase activity in the blood of children with iron deficiency anemia. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 25(2), 181-185.
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