Diagnosis of histidinemia through using the determination of urocanic acid in the sweat by an enzymatic method

Likhacheva N.V., Burobin V.A., Barashnev Yu.I., Nikolaeva E.A.
PubMed Id: 38572
Year: 1979  Volume: 25  Issue: 4  Pages: 500-503
A diagnosis of histidinemia was confirmed by estimation of urokaninic acid in sweat using highly purified preparation of urokaninase from rat liver tissue. The content of urokaninic acid was estimated by the method developed and by means of a known chemical method, which involved reduction of urokaninic acid with zinc in a medium containing HCL; seven children with histidinemia and ten healthy children were examined. The diagnosis of histidinemia was confirmed since the content of urokaninic acid was distinctly decreased in sweat of the imparied children as compared with the control group. The method developed was highly sensitive, reproducible and accurate
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Likhacheva, N. V., Burobin, V. A., Barashnev, Yu. I., Nikolaeva, E. A. (1979). Diagnosis of histidinemia through using the determination of urocanic acid in the sweat by an enzymatic method. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 25(4), 500-503.
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