Tissue respiratory enzymes in the rat liver in acute blood loss

Zorkina T.A.
PubMed Id: 227169
Year: 1979  Volume: 25  Issue: 5  Pages: 534-537
An increase in activity of several dehydrogenases of tricarboxylic acid cycle (NADP-dependent malate dehydrogenase, alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase) was observed in rat liver tissue under conditions of acute hemorrhage. The enzymatic activity was slightly higher in the group of animals with relatively prolonged life-time as compared with those, which lived less than 4 hrs. Activity of cytochrome oxidase was inhilited in the both groups of animals (by 27% and 29%, respectively). The less distinct decrease in both temperature in the group of animals with prolonged life-time might maintain the rate of Krebs cycle substrates oxidation. Activation of respiration in liver tissue under conditions of the hemorrhage is considered as a compensatory reaction tending to improve oxygen utilization in hypoxia. At the same time, inhibition oy cytochrome oxidase demonstrates the impairment of electron transport and decreased rate of energy production in liver mitochondria.
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Zorkina, T. A. (1979). Tissue respiratory enzymes in the rat liver in acute blood loss. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 25(5), 534-537.
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