Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and transketolase activity in the blood of neurological oncologic patients preoperatively and in the dynamics of the postoperative period

Brodskaia N.I., Iansken L.I., Kudriavtseva G.V.
PubMed Id: 516529
Year: 1979  Volume: 25  Issue: 6  Pages: 687-690
Brain benign tumors /hypophyseal adenoma, meningeoma/ caused definite effects on the enzymes of pentosephosphate pathway in blood of patients. Distinct decrease in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase /G6PD/ activity was observed in erythrocytes of patients with adenoma of hypophysis as compared with a control group; transketolase /TK/ activity was unaltered. In blood of patients with brain meningeomas the G6PD was activated by 8% and TK - by 36%. Within the first day after resection of the tumors activity of the enzymes was distinctly increased; it remained markedly higher than the enzymatic activity before the operation within all the periods studied /5-7 days and 10-15 days after the operation/
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Brodskaia, N. I., Iansken, L. I., Kudriavtseva, G. V. (1979). Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and transketolase activity in the blood of neurological oncologic patients preoperatively and in the dynamics of the postoperative period. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 25(6), 687-690.
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