Kinin system components and blood serum proteinase inhibitors in hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome

Obukhova G.G.
PubMed Id: 6102827
Year: 1980  Volume: 26  Issue: 1  Pages: 118-120
In polyuric period of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome a distinct activation of the kinin system was observed in blood serum of patients; it was manifested as an increase in spontaneous BAEE-esterase and kallikreine activities as well as a decrease in kininogen content. Content of inhibitors of proteinases (alpha 1-antitrypsin) was increased within all the periods of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, beginning from the I preoligouric period. The data obtained suggest that kinins are involved in pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of hemorrhagic fever with the renal syndrome.
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Obukhova, G. G. (1980). Kinin system components and blood serum proteinase inhibitors in hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 26(1), 118-120.
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