Effect of the synestrol analog sigetin on serum lipid levels of lipoprotein lipid composition in rabbits

Ryzhenkov V.E., Svergun V.T.
PubMed Id: 7456369
Year: 1980  Volume: 26  Issue: 3  Pages: 370-374
Analogue of hexestrol sigethine, deprived of the estrogenic effect, was shown to decrease the content of cholesterol in blood serum, liver tissue and aorta, as well as to reduce the fraction of very low density lipoproteins and content of cholesterol in this fraction of hyperlipidemic rabbits. Diethylstilbestrol lowered the content of cholesterol in blood serum of intact rabbits. Simultaneous administration of diethylstilbestrol and sigethine decreased the concentration of triglycerides in blood serum, increased the fraction of alpha-lipoproteins and of cholesterol in the serum.
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Ryzhenkov, V. E., Svergun, V. T. (1980). Effect of the synestrol analog sigetin on serum lipid levels of lipoprotein lipid composition in rabbits. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 26(3), 370-374.
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