Elastic properties of lipid bilayer membranes during incorporation of plasma lipoproteins

Pasechnik V.I., Perova N.V., Gianik T.T., Gadzhalova S.I., Soldatova E.A.
PubMed Id: 7456388
Year: 1980  Volume: 26  Issue: 4  Pages: 493-497
Interaction between lipoproteins of very low density /LPVLD/ with bilayer lipid membranes was studied in blood plasma of healthy rabbits and in rabbits with alimentary hyperlipoproteinemia. The LPVLD of healthy animals did not produce any alterations in elasticity and volume of bilayer lipid membranes within 120 sec, whereas the lipid fraction from animals with hyperlipoproteinemia altered these physical properties of the membranes at the period studied. The factors, which are responsible for the action of LPVLD on the bilayer lipid membranes, were both composition and structure of lipoprotein particles. The importance of nitial parameters of the membrane structure in its interaction with lipoproteins was shown using the model system.
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Pasechnik, V. I., Perova, N. V., Gianik, T. T., Gadzhalova, S. I., Soldatova, E. A. (1980). Elastic properties of lipid bilayer membranes during incorporation of plasma lipoproteins. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 26(4), 493-497.
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