Effect of adrenalectomy on the enzymatic activity in thin kidney slices and homogenates

Natochin Y.V., Maslova M.N., Kazennov A.M., Reznik L.V., Savina G.V.
PubMed Id: 6252688
Year: 1980  Volume: 26  Issue: 5  Pages: 627-632
A method of "thin slices" was developed for estimation of enzymatic activities in cells, in which relationship between structure elements was maintained and the cells were readily permeable for substrates. Activities of Na, K-ATPase and succinate dehydrogenase were markedly higher in thin slices than in homogenates; activities of choline esterase and lactate dehydrogenase were of the same value in both tissue preparations. As compared with controls, adrenalectomy caused a decrease in Na, K-ATPase activity in the tissue slices, activities of succinate- and lactate dehydrogenases were unaltered and the choline esterase activity was increased. Comparison of the enzymatic activities in homogenates and thin slices indicates that some contradictions in data on the effect of the adrenal cortex hormones on the activity of the enzymes involved in the ion transport porcesses are due mainly to unadequateness of the methods used.
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Natochin, Y. V., Maslova, M. N., Kazennov, A. M., Reznik, L. V., Savina, G. V. (1980). Effect of adrenalectomy on the enzymatic activity in thin kidney slices and homogenates. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 26(5), 627-632.
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