Comparative study of the duration of action of heparin--thromboplastin complex in the bodies of animals maintained on natural and atherogenic diets

Liapina L.A., Bazaz'ian G.G.
PubMed Id: 7467198
Year: 1981  Volume: 27  Issue: 1  Pages: 115-120
Within 10 min after single intravenous administration of the heparin-thromboplastin complex into animals, kept on natural and atherogenic diets, the total fibrinolytic activity and the non-enzymatic fibrinolysis were increased in blood plasma, which maintained within 60 min after the complex administration. Within 90 min of the experiment the non-enzymatic fibrinolysis was decreased in blood plasma of both groups and the activity reached the initial level within 120 min after the treatment. The increase in the total and non-enzymatic fibrinolysis was distinctly higher in controls as compared with animals kept on atherogenic diet. Within 60 min after administration of the heparin-thromboplastin complex physiological solvents of the unstabilized fibrin were found in liver and lung tissues of control animals as well as in lung and heart tissues of animals kept on the atherogenic diet.
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Liapina, L. A., Bazaz'ian, G. G. (1981). Comparative study of the duration of action of heparin--thromboplastin complex in the bodies of animals maintained on natural and atherogenic diets. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 27(1), 115-120.
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