Alteration in activities of NAD-glycohydrolase, acid and alkaline phosphatases in blood cells tuberculosis

Grigorian V.G., Shinkareva T.I., Kiroshka V.S., Tsymbalar' G.G., Vangeli L.V.
PubMed Id: 6269296
Year: 1981  Volume: 27  Issue: 2  Pages: 185-189
Activities of NAD-glyconydrolase from erythrocytes, alkaline and acid phosphatases from neutrophiles and acid phosphatase from lymphocytes were studied in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis as well as in experimental animals. Distinct alterations in the activity of the enzymes studied were observed in blood cells of guinea pigs inoculated with tuberculosis. In patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis activities of acid and alkaline phosphatases were altered in leukocytes and the activity of NAD-glycohydrolase--in erythrocytes. Inactive forms of tuberculosis were accompanied by a slight alterations in the alkaline phosphatase activity, activities of acid phosphatase and NAD-glycohydrolase were unaltered.
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Grigorian, V. G., Shinkareva, T. I., Kiroshka, V. S., Tsymbalar', G. G., Vangeli, L. V. (1981). Alteration in activities of NAD-glycohydrolase, acid and alkaline phosphatases in blood cells tuberculosis. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 27(2), 185-189.
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