Oxidation of palmityl carnitine in mitochondria of rat heart and liver tissue under conditions of thyroid pathology

Turakulov I.Kh., Saatov T.S., Rakhimdzhanova M.T., Ismailkhodzhaeva G.G.
PubMed Id: 7281559
Year: 1981  Volume: 27  Issue: 2  Pages: 197-200
Effects were studied of various doses of thyroid hormones and thyroidectomy on oxidation of palmityl carnitine and caprylate in heart and liver mitochondria as well as on the rate of oxidation of succinate and alpha-ketoglutarate in brain mitochondria. Depending on the dose of the thyroid hormone the rate of fatty acid oxidation varied. The stimulatory doses of thyroxin and thyroidectomy altered (increased or decreased) the rate of electrone transport in the respiratory chain but the respiratory control and the ADP/O ratio were only slightly changed. Toxic doses led to fast oxidation of the both substrates and to uncoupling of the oxidative phosphorylation. Thyroid hormones and thyroidectomy did not affect the succinate oxidation in brain mitochondria; this data suggest insensitivity of the brain tissue to the effect of thyroid hormones.
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Turakulov, I. Kh., Saatov, T. S., Rakhimdzhanova, M. T., Ismailkhodzhaeva, G. G. (1981). Oxidation of palmityl carnitine in mitochondria of rat heart and liver tissue under conditions of thyroid pathology. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 27(2), 197-200.
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