Biochemical disorders in hereditary retinal degeneration: changes in cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity and rhodopsin concentration in the retinas of Campbell rats

Ostapenko I.A.
PubMed Id: 6270908
Year: 1981  Volume: 27  Issue: 4  Pages: 519-523
A correlation was noted between alterations in activity of cGMP phosphodiesterase /PDE/ and in content of rhodopsin /R/ from rats of the Campbell strain with hereditary retina degeneration as well as from control animals of the Wistar strain. Dynamics of alterations in the PDE/R ratio was similar to both in impaired and healthy animals within the first 35 days of life. These data suggest that the decrease of the PDE activity in retina of the Campbell rats occurred due to destruction and removing of outer layer of photoreceptor cell segments, i.e. it was of the secondary nature rather than of primary pathogenetic importance. After 1.5 month of the life retina aqueous extract activated PDE of cyclic nucleotides in impaired rats, but did not cause inhibition as it was observed in healthy animals. The phenomenon appears to be due to various localization of PDE inhibitors and activators in retina as well as to destruction of the layer of rod outer segments in retina of impaired rats.
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Ostapenko, I. A. (1981). Biochemical disorders in hereditary retinal degeneration: changes in cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity and rhodopsin concentration in the retinas of Campbell rats. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 27(4), 519-523.
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