Change in the fatty acid composition of the brain and spinal cord lipids in white rats during supercooling and adaptation

Serebrennikova E.G., Veksler I.I., Guseĭnov I.G.
PubMed Id: 7314581
Year: 1981  Volume: 27  Issue: 5  Pages: 640-643
Adaptation to supercooling did not affect distinctly the fatty acid composition of brain total lipids but altered the fatty acid composition of phospholipids: amount of unsaturated acids was increased mainly due to an increase in concentrations of oleic, arachidonic and docosapentaenic acids. The same alterations occurred in brain phospholipids of the animals after a single cooling. The content of unsaturated fatty acids (mono-, dienic and polyenic acids) was distinctly decreased in spinal cord lipids during adaptation to supercooling. In the phospholipid fraction content of polyenic acid was only slightly decreased, while the content of moo- and dienic acids was considerably diminished. Decrease in content of polyenic acids was the most distinct in the animals, subjected to single supercooling immediately before decapitation.
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Serebrennikova, E. G., Veksler, I. I., Guseĭnov, I. G. (1981). Change in the fatty acid composition of the brain and spinal cord lipids in white rats during supercooling and adaptation. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 27(5), 640-643.
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