Effect of thymic polypeptide factor on the cyclic nucleotide system of immunocompetent cells

Morozov V.G., Khavinson V.Kh., Kozhemiakin A.L., Kozhemiakin L.A.
PubMed Id: 6981253
Year: 1982  Volume: 28  Issue: 4  Pages: 114-118
Thyramine, a polypeptide factor from thymus, at wide range of concentrations increased the cAMP content in rat thymocytes. Increase in the cAMP content was less distinct in spleen lymphoid cells. Thyramine decreased the cGMP content in thymocytes; minimal nucleotide level was found within 15 min of incubation. The data obtained suggest that the rate of lymphocyte maturation is important for response of the cells to the effect of immunoregulating agents.
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Morozov, V. G., Khavinson, V. Kh., Kozhemiakin, A. L., Kozhemiakin, L. A. (1982). Effect of thymic polypeptide factor on the cyclic nucleotide system of immunocompetent cells. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 28(4), 114-118.
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