Inhibition of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase from rabbit heart by hydroxypyridines

Polyansky N.B., Smirnov L.D., Shvedova A.A., Kagan V.E., Tkachuk V.A.
PubMed Id: 6301154
Year: 1983  Volume: 29  Issue: 1  Pages: 123-127
3-Hydroxypyridines, which are inhibitors of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, affected reversibly and non-competitively the enzyme molecule as compared with cAMP. A number of substances was found exhibiting high inhibitory and antioxidant activities, high inhibitory and low antioxidant activities, as well as low inhibitory and high antioxidant activities. Elucidation of the 3-hydroxypyridines action via antioxidant or phosphodiesterase pathways became possible.
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Polyansky, N. B., Smirnov, L. D., Shvedova, A. A., Kagan, V. E., Tkachuk, V. A. (1983). Inhibition of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase from rabbit heart by hydroxypyridines. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 29(1), 123-127.
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