Activity and appearance of isoenzyme spectrums of some lysosomal hydrolases in biopsy material of human chorion

Beĭer E.M., Vidershaĭn G.Ya., Bakharev V.A., Rozovskiĭ I.S.
PubMed Id: 6222539
Year: 1983  Volume: 29  Issue: 2  Pages: 130-133
Activities and isozyme spectra of alpha-L-fucosidase and beta-D-hexosaminidase were similar both in biopsy material from fetal zone of placenta (chorion) and in chorion tissue obtained after abortion. Evaluation of the isozyme spectrum of these glycosidases in biopsy reeterial of chorion might be carried out for prenatal detection of fucosidosis (deficiency of alpha-L-fucosidase), Tay-Sachs disease (deficiency of hexosaminidase A) and of Sandhoff disease (deficiency of hexosaminidases A and B).
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Beĭer, E. M., Vidershaĭn, G. Ya., Bakharev, V. A., Rozovskiĭ, I. S. (1983). Activity and appearance of isoenzyme spectrums of some lysosomal hydrolases in biopsy material of human chorion. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 29(2), 130-133.
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