Lipolytic activity in blood plasma of patients with ischemic heart disease after administration of heparin on an empty stomach and with simultaneous fatty loading

Nikul'cheva N.G., Soliternova I.B., Krivoruchenko I.V.
PubMed Id: 6858033
Year: 1983  Volume: 29  Issue: 2  Pages: 35-40
Effect of heparin on the lipoprotein lipase activity was studied after its administration into fasting and fat loaded patients with heart ischemic disease, exhibiting various lipoprotein spectrum of blood. Heparin activated more distinctly the lipolytic enzymes in the patients kept on fatty diet as compared with the fasting patients. The difference was maximal in the patients with the IIa type of hypolipoproteinemia and minimal--in the patients with the IV type of the disease. The hypotriglyceridemic effect of heparin was found in all the groups examined; however, the least decrease in the triglyceride content occurred in the IV type of hypolipoproteinemia. These data demonstrate the relative deficiency of lipoprotein lipolysis in the type of hypolipoproteinemia studied.
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Nikul'cheva, N. G., Soliternova, I. B., Krivoruchenko, I. V. (1983). Lipolytic activity in blood plasma of patients with ischemic heart disease after administration of heparin on an empty stomach and with simultaneous fatty loading. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 29(2), 35-40.
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