Test with 0.1g L-DOPA in clinical neuroses and neurosis-like states

Vasil'ev V.N., Chugunov V.S.
PubMed Id: 6410582
Year: 1983  Volume: 29  Issue: 3  Pages: 119-124
Effect of a test with administration of 0.1 g L-DOPA, reflecting the synthetic processes in sympathoadrenal system and its reactivity, on dynamics of catecholamine and DOPA excretion with urine was studied in patients with neuroses and neurosis-like states, namely, in women with climacteric syndrome, in men with sexual deteriorations, in patients with general neuroses and in patients with initial manifestations of brain circulation insufficiency. Evaluation of various specific types of sympathoadrenal system responses to the L-DOPA administration as compared with healthy persons as well as evaluation of the response types characteristic for individual syndromes, improved the diagnostics of neuroses. The test with 0.1 g DOPA permitted also to estimate the efficiency of treatment as well as to design the most specialized treatment of the patients.
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Vasil'ev, V. N., Chugunov, V. S. (1983). Test with 0.1g L-DOPA in clinical neuroses and neurosis-like states. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 29(3), 119-124.
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