Content of squalene and sterols in tissues of the hemopoietic system in normal rats and in experimental leukemia

Palamarchuk V.I., Trikash I.O., Antonenko L.V.
PubMed Id: 6880121
Year: 1983  Volume: 29  Issue: 3  Pages: 64-67
Contents of scvalene, sterols and their derivatives were studied in lymphoid tissues as well as in liver and kidney tissues of normal rats and the animals with Shvetz experimental leukosis. Amount of cholesterol and of its precursor scvalene was distinctly decreased simultaneously with an increase in total content of nonsaponified substances in thymus, spleen, bone marrow and liver tissue of rats with experimental leukosis. Scvalene was increased in kidney tissue. Simultaneous accumulation of hydroxycholesterol derivatives, among which 7-beta-hydroxycholesterol was identified, was observed in these tissues under conditions of leukosis. Role of cholesterol hydroxyderivatives in biosynthesis of sterols is discussed.
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Palamarchuk, V. I., Trikash, I. O., Antonenko, L. V. (1983). Content of squalene and sterols in tissues of the hemopoietic system in normal rats and in experimental leukemia. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 29(3), 64-67.
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