Importance of catecholamines and various subtypes of beta-adrenoreceptors for resistance of mice to acute, intensive cooling

Plotnikov N.Yu., Kulinskiĭ V.I.
PubMed Id: 6312691
Year: 1983  Volume: 29  Issue: 4  Pages: 122-127
A phase dynamics in body temperature and thermoproduction was shown in the course of cooling of mice. 3 periods of various intensity were noted in thermocompensatory reactions. Within the first period content of noradrenaline was maintained in the vitally important tissues (brain, heart and brown adipose tissues); later on the content of noradrenaline was distinctly decreased. The blockade of ganglions and beta-adrenoreceptors inhibited markedly the thermoproduction and resistance to cooling. The main thermocompensatory reactions were realized via beta 1-adrenoreceptors; blocking of beta 1-adrenoreceptors by means of practolol was more effective as compared with the influence of N-isopropylmethoxamine--inhibitor of beta 2-adrenoreceptors. Importance of beta 1-adrenoreceptors in thermoregulation is discussed.
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Plotnikov, N. Yu., Kulinskiĭ, V. I. (1983). Importance of catecholamines and various subtypes of beta-adrenoreceptors for resistance of mice to acute, intensive cooling. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 29(4), 122-127.
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