Determination of retinol in human blood plasma using high pressure liquid chromatography

Sergeev A.V., Shevchenko V.E., Kaganovich M.V.
PubMed Id: 6139916
Year: 1983  Volume: 29  Issue: 5  Pages: 54-58
A quantitative procedure for estimation of retinol in human blood plasma using high pressure liquid chromatography involved separation of the retinoids on an reversed phase analytical column. C19-retinoid aldehyde was used as an internal standard. The procedure enabled to detect up to 0.015 microgram of retinol/ml of blood plasma and may be used for routine clinical analyses.
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Sergeev, A. V., Shevchenko, V. E., Kaganovich, M. V. (1983). Determination of retinol in human blood plasma using high pressure liquid chromatography. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 29(5), 54-58.
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