Dark oxidation of unsaturated lipids and dihydroxy phenylalanine by photooxidized furocoumarins

Sukhorukov V.L., Potanenko A.Ya., Zakharova V.A.
PubMed Id: 6417908
Year: 1983  Volume: 29  Issue: 5  Pages: 75-78
Well-known skin photosensitizers furocoumarins--psoralen, angelio in and 8-methoxypsoralen were shown to photosensitize oxidation of unsaturated lipids and dihydroxyphenylalanine via a two-step mechanism. At the first step (UV-irradiation at 366 nm) photooxidation of furocoumarins occurred, at the second step--the photooxidized furocoumarins oxidized unsaturated lipids or dihydroxyphenylalanine in darkness. The photochemical activity of furocoumarins in the two-step reaction decreased as follows: psoralen greater than angelicin greater than 8-methoxypsoralen. Similar photoreactions appear to participate in induction of phototoxic effects of furocoumarins.
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Sukhorukov, V. L., Potanenko, A. Ya., Zakharova, V. A. (1983). Dark oxidation of unsaturated lipids and dihydroxy phenylalanine by photooxidized furocoumarins. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 29(5), 75-78.
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