Changes in the regulatory characteristics of glycolysis in erythrocytes during storage of donor blood

Agranenko V.A., Ataullakhanov F.I., Batasheva T.V., Vitvitskiĭ V.M., Zhabotinskiĭ A.M.
PubMed Id: 6089428
Year: 1984  Volume: 30  Issue: 3  Pages: 109-112
Changes in the glycolysis regulatory pattern (dependence of the glycolysis rate on ATP concentration) in erythrocytes were studied during donor blood storage using glucose-citrate hemoconservant 7b. During the first two weeks of storage the glycolysis regulatory pattern in the erythrocytes remained practically unchanged being represented by a bell-shaped curve similar to that found in fresh erythrocytes. At the same time, the physiological point of glycolysis shifted towards the maximal level on the curve. When the physiological point reached the maximal value, the shape of the curve began to change. The maxima on the curve became less distinct and shifted down and to the left from the initial position. These changes occurred within two-four weeks of storage. In some cases at the latest steps of storage the maxima on the glycolysis regulatory pattern disappeared leading to the monotony of the curve. The changes observed occurred in blood of different donors at various periods of storage. The nature of the changes observed and their influence on the erythrocyte viability are discussed.
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Agranenko, V. A., Ataullakhanov, F. I., Batasheva, T. V., Vitvitskiĭ, V. M., Zhabotinskiĭ, A. M. (1984). Changes in the regulatory characteristics of glycolysis in erythrocytes during storage of donor blood. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 30(3), 109-112.
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