Effect of arginine on the lipid and lipoprotein content of animal blood

Ryzhenkov V.E., Shanygina K.I., Chistiakova A.M., Miroshkina V.N., Parfenova N.S.
PubMed Id: 6528539
Year: 1984  Volume: 30  Issue: 6  Pages: 76-79
Arginine decreased cholesterol and triglyceride content in blood sera of intact rats and inhibited the development of hyperlipidemia provoked by Triton WR-1339 injection. In rabbits pretreated with cholesterol arginine diminished the content of blood serum cholesterol and triglycerides. Introduction of arginine to intact and hyperlipidemic guinea pigs decreased the VLDL and increased the HDL level. Under influence of arginine electrophoretic zone of HDL apo A-1 was more pronounced and apo E zone became less distinct in hyperlipidemic guinea pigs.
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Ryzhenkov, V. E., Shanygina, K. I., Chistiakova, A. M., Miroshkina, V. N., Parfenova, N. S. (1984). Effect of arginine on the lipid and lipoprotein content of animal blood. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 30(6), 76-79.
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